Flow State

Flow State

Mindfullness techniques along with guided meditation are used during the workshops to create a state of calm from which participants can access an inner energy and lead to a more intuitive approach of drawing. Outside the workshop, Flow State techniques can be adapted to the artist's own studio practice as a way of starting painting and drawing sessions; or drawing sessions to find the inspiration or to overcome a creative block.

The sessions will take the form of short sketches and exercises and create a  concertina sketchbook.

Sketchbook and materials are included in the price.

FLOW STATE - monthly session

Every second Monday of the month, 10am - 12.30pm

Dates: 8/4, 13/5, 10/6, 8/7, 12/8, 9/9, 14/10, 11/11, 9/12

Max 6 participants

£25 per session, including basic materials, concertina sketchbook and refreshments

Booking needed to avoid disappointment  BOOK HERE

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